NATO faces a new kind of threat: a war fought not with bombs and missiles, but with lies and manipulation. Adversaries are attempting to undermine public trust in NATO by spreading disinformation and confrontational rhetoric online. This strategy forms part of our adversaries approach to wage cognitive warfare on the Alliance, aiming to sow discord and weaken our ability to protect ourselves effectively.
To counter this threat, NATO’s Allied Command Transformation is developing the Cognitive Warfare Concept. This is a collaborative effort, with direct contribution from over 20 NATO member nations, numerous NATO commands, academia, and industry experts, represents a significant step forward in understanding and preparing NATO to compete in this constantly evolving space.
The Cognitive Warfare Concept serves a dual purpose. First, it provides a shared framework for understanding the dynamics and mechanisms of cognitive warfare. It lays out the ways adversaries exploit societal influence to manipulate public opinion, disrupt decision-making processes, and ultimately, weaken military capabilities. The concept details the potential consequences of successful cognitive attacks, highlighting the vulnerability of national audiences, political structures, and even military operations to misinformation and cognitive attacks.
Secondly, the Cognitive Warfare Concept outlines a path for NATO to enhance its cognitive resilience, and develop its capabilities to effectively compete in the cognitive dimension. This includes protecting existing military capabilities and decision-making from manipulation, while also exploring ways to strengthen public trust and understanding of NATO’s role. By proactively shaping the information environment and deterring foreign manipulation efforts, NATO can ensure its freedom of action and continue to safeguard the security of its member states.
As part of the wider Cognitive Superiority Warfare Development Imperative, the implementation of the Cognitive Warfare Concept will be a multi-pronged approach. Allied Command Transformation plans to deliver an immersive demonstration of the concept for key decision-makers, while also integrating cognitive warfare considerations into NATO’s defence planning and capability development processes. Furthermore, the concept will inform future war games and experimentation exercises, ensuring that NATO’s military forces remain prepared to operate effectively in an environment increasingly influenced by information warfare and disinformation campaigns. Finally, Allied Command Transformation will provide valuable military advice on the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence, a technology that holds both immense potential and inherent risks in the cognitive domain.
By taking these proactive steps, NATO demonstrates its commitment to safeguarding the rules-based international order and ensuring the continued security and well-being of its member states in the face of an evolving and complex threat landscape.