NATO's Strategic Warfare Development Command

The 18th NATO Operations Research and Analysis Conference, co-hosted by Allied Command Transformation and NATO Science and Technology Organization, will be held in Malaga, Spain, from 04 to 05 November 2024 with an optional training day on 06 November.

The event is open to all NATO Nations, NATO Bodies, NATO Agencies, Australia, Austria, Japan, and Switzerland.

The goal of the NATO OR&A Conference is to provide an exciting programme relevant to the OR&A Community of Interest, with plenty of opportunities for discussion, debate and provision of valuable and relevant training.

The 2024 theme is “Collaboration to enable military advantage in an unstable world”. NATO’s strength is our unity, and cooperating on defence and security related concerns is a continuous process in order to solve problems, build trust, and ultimately prevent conflict. Our rules-based international order is under constant pressure, and alliance members may develop technologically and militarily at different speeds, causing issues in understanding and interoperability. This can be mitigated through effective collaboration. Therefore the OR&A Conference is seeking presentations and papers that highlight best practices in international collaborative analytical projects, or presentations that offer analytical methods that can be adapted by various organizations in different countries.

More information, including details for registration, can be found on the STO Website.

Registration will close on 21 October at 17:00 Central European Time (CET).