The Partnership Training and Education Centres (PTECs) are nationally or multi-nationally sponsored education and training institutions which are united under a single concept that is endorsed by the North Atlantic Council and recognized by NATO.
The PTECs offer courses, seminars, and workshops to both military and civilian personnel in order to provide education, training and instruction in diverse areas consistent with the objectives and priorities of NATO’s policy on partnerships. They also provide a platform for operational training by offering both classroom and field venues for exercises.
Partnership Training and Education Centres (PTEC) play an essential role in supporting NATO’s objectives for partnership with non-member countries. Initially launched in 1998, PTECs were formally established in 1999 under the Partnership for Peace programme to develop training and education activities with Euro-Atlantic partners.
To reflect the changes in the Alliance’s Global Partnerships, the PTEC Concept was extended to the Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) countries in 2008. Since 2012, a single concept for all centres hosted by Allies, EAPC/PfP, MD and ICI partners, as well as partners across the Globe with a partnership programme with NATO, while respecting the specificity of the different partnership frameworks, is in place.
As a result, the opening of facilities for Education and Training (E&T) in NATO Nations and Partner Countries has led to enhanced interoperability for NATO-led multinational operations.
The Partnership Training and Education Centres Commandants Conference (PTEC CC) was established by NATO in November 2000 to coordinate the work amongst the Centres and NATO. The first PTEC community was administered by the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) Partnership Coordination Cell (PCC) from 2000 until 2002. The NATO School became the Chairman in 2002 and HQ SACT became Co-Chairman in 2013.
As of 2024, there are currently 35 PTECs.
Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT) has the overall responsibility for the management of NATO E&T and its delivery through the NATO E&T Facilities, supported by COEs’, PTECs’ and National Training Institutions’ activities. Effective relationships between Strategic Commands and Education and Individual Training (E&IT) Institutions are necessary in order to ensure that new ideas, procedures, tactics and lessons learned are injected into NATO’s education structure. HQ SACT executes the following division of responsibilities:
- Manage and lead the execution of education and individual training as well as collective training and exercises;
- Manage NATO’s Global Programming;
- Maintain, review and publish the annual Bi-SC comprehensive list of disciplines;
- Assist NATO Headquarters in the recognition process of a national training and education facility as a PTEC by providing subject matter expertise support, building on the experience and expertise of the NATO School and the existing centres;
- Offer support and guidance to recognized PTECs to ensure that courses in support of NATO are in compliance with NATO standards;
- Accredit education and individual training institutions;
- Certify courses;
- Develop and maintain Quality Standards for NATO education and training;
- Co-chair the PTEC Conference of Commandants and the PTEC Working Group, and manages the PTEC website.
NATO School Oberammergau (NSO), with support from relevant NATO bodies, supports and helps further develop, as needed, a mechanism for cooperation, coordination, information exchange and sharing of lessons learned among all Partnership Training and Education Centres, including the co-chairing of the PTEC Commandants Conference and focused Working Groups. The NATO School also supports the promotion of each Centre and the community by organizing the annual PTEC Marketplace. The management of the Train the Trainer (TtT) and the Instructor Exchange Program (IEP) are also the responsibility of the NATO School.
Throughout the 2023, the PTEC community utilized following events for internal cooperation. PTEC Commanders Conference took place in Bogota (and Fort Tolemaida), Colombia from 23-25 May, whereas PTEC Market Place took place in NATO HQ, Brussels, Belgium from 15-16 Nov 2023. Both events constituted an excellent ground for experience sharing and both proved to be successful.
Moving to 2024 PTEC Working Group took place in Brasov, Romania from 30 Jan to 1 Feb.
The upcoming PTEC events are planned as follows:
- PTEC Commanders Conference 2024 14-15 May 2024. NATO School Oberammergau (NS(O)), Germany.
PTEC Market Place 2024, in NATO HQ Brussels Belgium, date TBC.
PTEC Announcements
In 2023, Headquarters, Supreme Allied Command Transformation (HQ SACT) organized the PTEC Commanders Conference for 23-25 May. After a three year lapse due to COVID, Colombian International Demining Centre (CIDES), the Colombian PTEC, graciously volunteered to host this event. 42 personnel representing 19 PTECs, SHAPE, NATO HQ, NS(O) and HQ SACT were in attendance. The attendees used this unique opportunity to network, share knowledge and experience related to military training and national force development.
The agenda was focused on general updates to the community, PTEC participation to NATO’s Military Cooperation efforts and support to Ukraine.
Common themes that repeated were ‘over and above’ training and education, interoperability, cooperative security, funding and mutual support.
Thank-you to the Colombian contingent for planning local transportation, and planning and hosting 2 exceptional social events, the Ice Breaker and the formal dinner at the Colombian Army Cadet University Campus.
In 2024 DRESMARA (Brasov, Romania) organized the PTEC Working Group 24. Woking on the tasks from the PTEC CC 23, the community (29 attendees from 14 PTEC, SHAPE, NATO HQ and HQ SACT), agreed on asset of recommendation to be discussed during PTEC CC 24.
The Romanian hosts organized three excellent social events (ice-breaker, Bran Castle visit and dinner in a traditional Romanian restaurant) which, in addition to the working sessions, granted a strong bonding and networking opportunity.
Following the North Atlantic Council’s decision (7 Mar. 2024), the PTEC Community was pleased to announce the official recognition of the Qatar Armed Forces’ Joint Warfare Training Centre (JWTC, Doha, QTR) as the 35th PTEC.
Individual Partnership Training and Education Centres Websites
International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL), Italy