NATO's Strategic Warfare Development Command

Strategic Foresight Analysis identifies and assesses drivers of change which are shaping the characteristics of the evolving security environment by encouraging practitioners to explore the root drivers behind emerging trends, enabling the standardized research of a wide range of complex issues and the development of plausible scenarios with a more robust assessment of their potential implications.

Strategic Foresight Analysis Regional Reports and Papers

In 2018, the Strategic Foresight Branch started conducting strategic foresight analysis of specific regions of importance to the Alliance. The purpose of these reports is to contribute to a better visualization and understanding of the future security environment in regions relevant to NATO and Euro-Atlantic security and inform the development of the next versions of the Strategic Foresight Analysis.

In 2020, the Strategic Foresight team updated its programme of work to support the NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept and Warfare Development Agenda development timeline. Accordingly, the development of Regional Perspectives Reports contributes to the understanding of the Allied future operating environment.


Strategic Foresight Branch Mailbox

Colonel Zsolt Szimicsku, Branch Head, Hungarian Army, +1-757-747-3374
Commander Daniel Kolstad, Deputy Branch Head, Norwegian Navy, +1-757-747-3887