The Protocol Branch sets the stage for business and diplomacy to succeed. It manages all Command events: Conferences, Seminars, Ceremonies, Receptions and visits to the Headquarters.
To HQ SACT no single event is minor. We gladly set the scene to enable all actors to get the best available result out of their experience with us.
Larger events (such as conferences and symposia) will always have a dedicated section on ACT Website.
HQ SACT Principals appreciate engaging with public, National or International Organization Representatives’, industries and anybody else whom feels may contribute to our mission.
If you are planning to visit us and engage with any HQ SACT Command Group member, please, provide the information on this form.
Once you have submitted this form your request will be taken into consideration and according to its nature action will follow.
Please note all visitors are required to give a minimum of 30 days written notice, plan ahead and get in touch with our team, we will help you out to organize your event.
Working level visitors, regardless of the nature of their call, will have to provide the information on this security form.
Return the forms as per the instructions.
This web site is maintained by the Allied Command Transformation Public Affairs Office. Contact the Webmaster
For all queries:
Allied Command Transformation
7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100 Norfolk, VA 23551-2490
Tel: +1 (757) 747-3400, Fax: +1 (757) 747-3234
For media queries click here.