NATO's Strategic Warfare Development Command

Sergeant Major Remigijus Katinas

Command Senior Enlisted Leader

Lithuanian Armed Forces

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

CSM Remigijus Katinas was born on 20 March 1974 in Panevėžys city, Lithuania.

As a recruit he joined the Armed Forces in 1993 and served in the Motorised Assault Battalion “Iron Wolf” in Siauliai city.

CSM Remigijus Katinas during his career served in squad leader and platoon sergeant positions in Infantry Company. Later on he served in the staff of the Mechanized Infantry Battalion S3 branch as an Operational NCO and senior branch NCO.

Following that, he was assigned to 1st sergeant position in Mechanized Infantry Company and served as a part of Europe Battle Group quick reaction forces. He gained experience in multinational environment after assignment to NATO staff in Supreme Headquarter Allied Power Europe (SHAPE), Belgium and following that he was assigned to Mechanized Infantry Battalion as Command Sergeant Major.

Later CSM Remigijus Katinas took studies in the United States Army Sergeant Major Academy (El Paso, Texas) and after graduation took Command Sergeant Major position in Motorized Infantry Brigade “Samogitia”. Following that CSM Remigijus Katinas was promoted to the Command Senior Enlisted leader of the Land Forces (equivalent US Army). In 2019 he was selected to the position Command Senior Enlisted Leader of the Lithuanian Armed Forces and served as Senior Enlisted Adviser to the Chief of Defence. Also he was deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Afghanistan.

CSM Remigijus Katinas’ military education includes several professional and leadership development courses in Lithuanian NCO academy, Lithuanian Land Forces School, Marines Sergeant course in Quantico (USA), Basic Instructor course in Norfolk (USA), Counter IED course in Stavanger (Norway). He graduated from U. S. Army Sergeant Major Academy, Class 66. CSM Remigijus Katinas has a Bachelor’s degree in Defense and Security Institutions Management.

CSM Remigijus Katinas’ awards and decorations include NATO non article 5 Medal (Bosnia – Herzegovina), NATO non article 5 Medal (Afghanistan), Lithuania Ministry of Defense Medal – for support of peace, Lithuanian Armed Forces Medal – for Outstanding Service, Lithuanian Armed Forces Bronze Columns of Grand Duke Gediminas – for Outstanding Service, Lithuania Armed Forces medal of Merit – for outstanding merits in development and strengthening of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, Divisions of the Lithuanian Armed Forces Medal for Distinguished Service – for Outstanding and Significant performance, Badge of Honor of the Mechanized Infantry Brigade “Iron Wolf”.

CSM Remigijus Katinas is married to Ausrine and they have two children.