Major General Constantin-Adrian Ciolponea
SACT Representative in EuropeRomanian Army
North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationOn the 1st of August 2023, Major-General Constantin-Adrian Ciolponea has been appointed as SACT Representative in Europe. Prior to this, he was the Land Component Commander and also a Special Advisor to the Defence Minister.
MGen. Constantin-Adrian Ciolponea received his commission in 1988, after graduating the Military School for Officers, Sibiu, as an infantry officer. In 2004, he graduated the High Military Studies Academy, Bucharest. He has been assigned to numerous command and staff positions for operations and training, reconnaissance, special operations and airborne operations (1000 + military jumps), both in Romania and abroad.
Starting 2008, he commanded the 1st Special Operations Battalion, starting 2009 the 1st Special Operations Regiment and starting 2011 the 6th Special Operations Brigade. In 2015 he has been appointed Deputy Commander at the 4th Infantry Division and in 2016 became deputy Land Forces Commander for training and operations.
During 2017-2021, MGen Constantin-Adrian Ciolponea was the Romanian National Military Representative to Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe (SHAPE), Mons, Belgium and was the Dean of the National Military Representatives.
From 2021 to 2022, he was appointed as the Deputy Commander of the Multinational Corps Southeast in Sibiu, Romania.
Abroad, he served in a variety of assignments, most notably being: UN Military Observer Democratic Republic of Congo (2000-2001); Staff Officer in Afghanistan (2008, 2010, 2013); Staff Officer in Kosovo (2009).
His military education includes several international courses, including: Army’s Rangers Course for Officers, USA, (1996 – 1997 completion certificate) Special Operations Course, USA (2005); Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA (2006 – 2007); Advance Program in Security Studies, George C. Marshall European Centre for Security Studies, Germany (2010); Counter Terrorism Special Forces Advanced Course, USA (2014); National War College, USA (2014 – 2015).
MG Constantin-Adrian CIOLPONEA’s decorations and awards include: UN Medal; The Army Achievement Medal; The Army Commendation Medal; General Staff Badge of Honour; Romanian Army Honour Emblem; Military Veteran Honorific title; Land Forces Emblem of Honour; National Order Military Virtue in rank of Knight; Air Force Emblem of Honour; Naval Forces Emblem of Honour in service of the Homeland – for 25 years of service” Honorary sign.
Major-General Constantin-Adrian CIOLPONEA is married and father of two.