NATO's Strategic Warfare Development Command

NATO Military Committee Visits Supreme Allied Commander Transformation

March 12, 2019

NATO Military Committee Visits Supreme Allied Commander Transformation

NORFOLK, VA – The NATO Military Committee conducted their annual visit to the Headquarters of the Supreme Allied Commander Transformation in Norfolk, Virginia March 11th and 12th.

The Military Committee is the senior military authority in NATO and the oldest permanent body in NATO after the North Atlantic Council. It is the primary source of military advice to the North Atlantic Council and the Nuclear Planning Group, and gives direction to the two Strategic Commanders. The Chairman of the Military Committee, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, the Alliance’s senior military official, was hosted by General Andre Lanata, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation.

The purpose of Military Committee’s visit was to broaden and deepen the understanding of the Military Committee on how Allied Command Transformation approaches its current tasks, the issues and challenges that affect the future of the Alliance and, how critical it is to maintain NATO’s military edge.

Through a series of workshops the Military Committee discussed the numerous areas of Warfare Development that Allied Command Transformation, as NATO’s only Warfare Development Command, leads. Discussions touched upon Cyber, Resilience, Counter Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Experimentation with an emphasis on how ACT prioritises Allied interoperability and bolsters cooperation with its partners to deliver operational effectiveness.

“Along with its unique contribution to development of the Alliance’s Military Instrument of Power, Allied Command Transformation is the only NATO command that intervenes at all stages of the capability development cycle. It means, from prospective analysis to capacity building, including doctrine and concepts development, innovation, training, and lessons learned.“, said General Lanata.

The Military Committee gained an understanding of how the Warfare Development agenda develops in line with Alliance member states’ requirements and expectations. NATO’s member states are the ultimate beneficiaries of Command work and thus will enable forces that are robust, flexible and ready to fight and win.

Chief Air Marshal Sir Stuart Peach thanked ACT for hosting this visit and for its singular role in engendering a culture of continuous improvement across the Alliance. “Over the last two-days, the NATO Military Representatives have received a series of briefings and participated in topical discussions that have helped improve their situational awareness, enhancing their understanding of tactical challenges and providing a thorough update on ongoing adaptation”, highlighted the Chairman.