Major General Zenon Brzuszko
Deputy Chief of Staff Resource & ManagementPolish Army
North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationMajor General Zenon Brzuszko assumed duties as the Deputy Chief of Staff Resources and Management, on September 1, 2024.
Major General Zenon Brzuszko was born in 1970 in the Podkarpacie Province.
In 1994, he graduated from Military Academy of Mechanized Infantry in Wrocław were he was commissioned as the reconnaissance officer. During his 30 years of professional military service, he manned commanding, staff and operational duties at all levels in national and multinational military environment. He has begun his professional military service in the 120th Hussar Mechanized Regiment in Świętoszów as Platoon Leader and in the 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade as Recce Company Commander.
His career includes the following posts:
– Reconnaissance Officer at the 10th and 14th Armoured Cavalry Brigades;
– Operational Directorate (J3) Specialist at the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces;
– Commander of the Polish-Ukrainian Peacekeeping Battalion in Przemyśl;
– Commander of the 5th Podhale Rifle Battalion;
– Deputy Commander of the 17th Wielkopolska Motorized Brigade;
– Commander of the 21st Podhale Rifle Brigade;
– Commander of Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade (LITPOLUKRBRIG);
– Polish National Military Representative to SHAPE in Mons, Belgium;
– Commander of the Multinational Division North East in Elbląg, Poland.
During his service in Polish General Staff he was deployed to USCENTCOM, Tampa Florida, and also gained operational and combat experience during service in the Polish Military Contingent in Iraq.
He commanded operational battalions within the Kosovo Forces (KFOR) in Kosovo and International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan (BCT “Alfa”).
Major General Zenon Brzuszko is a graduate of the National Defence University, Poland and the University of Rzeszów. He has also participated in many professional military education courses
in Poland and abroad. He holds a PhD Degree in Social Sciences and is the author of publications in military history and science.